Know the Muslims | Muslim rule (faith life norms clothing) and ...

Do you have a bad image to Inoue JunTakashi chairman Islam?

Know the Muslims | Muslim rule (faith life norms clothing) and ... Do you have a bad image to Islam? Yes or scary images say bad (MoroRin) Of course in just a part of the cause of the terrorism, acquaintances, including the majority has it would be very serious and faithful people to understand. But serious and TakashiKen of Muslims in order, but severe in their own, there is a severe image to others. Really I think because it is only But only God image, there is something absolute feeling, large absolute Yuzure not part when the opinion does not fit, that is the easy to collide from such a place, is an image. Yorikeri to Yes precepts comprehension (walk) Since the religious practice of suppression of women there is no good impression. Local female guide who met in Egypt trip does not wear a veil, was the dress that does not change with me. Her minute also asked when buying tickets, yourself and say unnecessary because the guide, people of the ticket office had surprised and I thought it was foreigner. Without any serious conflicts between religion in Malaysia and Southeast Asia is gentle precepts, but I did not bad impression, the status of the Muslim countries of the woman is unfortunate I think low in Africa area.

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