Know the Muslims | Muslim rule (faith life norms clothing) and ...

And Islam? - ASEAN-JAPAN CENTRE Muslim tourists ...

Know the Muslims | Muslim rule (faith life norms clothing) and ... And Islam? Islam (Islam) is, the current Saudi Arabia as the birthplace, is the religion of monotheism to preach the absolute submission to the only God Allah. The beginning of the century, was the originator by Muhammad to be the last prophet who received revelation from God. And Scripture Koran summarizes the revelation of God that Muhammad received, faith on the basis of the record hadith have been Itonama that showed his words and deeds. It is Islam that spread around the world, but there is divided into several sects in the long history. About 0 billion people in the world who is also said to have faith, particularly West Asia, North Africa, Central Asia, and South Asia, home to many Muslims in Southeast Asia. The Muslims? The Muslims, in Arabic, which means Muslims, are living throughout the world. It is a common image of the Arabian-based Muslims in Japan, but actually its way is the diversity across the country and nation. Life of Muslims are set out in detail in the precepts.

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